Numbering Your RSVPs
Depending on how you word an RSVP card, guests often forget to write in their names. If you prompt a guest to fill in their name by including a “M ________________”, you will get an easier response to decipher. It has become fashionable to send completely blank RSVP cards, with just a reply date. If you do this, sometimes a guest will write you a lovely note and forget to jot down their name. You will know someone is coming to your party, but it might be a bit of a guessing game to figure out who that is.
It is a wise move to number the back of RSVP cards on formal invitations. When we do a mailing for a client we always advise it. By writing a small hardly noticeable number on the bottom right hand corner on the reverse side of an RSVP card for a wedding or bar mitzvah invitation, you can save yourself a lot of aggravation.
Here are our suggestions. Alphabetize your entire guest list by last name. Number the list. Use the corresponding number of the entry to mark the back of your RSVP card for that guest. When you mail around 100 invitations, expect that about two of the RSVP cards will come back filled out without guests’ names…..it just happens. Use the number on the reverse side of the response card to figure out who it is from, relax and have a great party!